What are some of the aims of manual therapies for dogs?

Manual therapies which integrate tactile therapies and natural care approaches have some of the following aims:

Joint Manipulation / Chiropractic adjustments and mobilization are essentially aimed at improving or restoring movement of joints when such movement has been lost or reduced.

Joints that have locked up and have lost or reduced movement are often ‘not happy’ and are a common source of pain, reduced flexibility, muscle spasm and may have broader neuromusculoskeletal implications perhaps interfering with normal nerve function and may play a role in complicating or contributing to spinal disc and joint degenerative problems.

Soft tissue techniques are primarily aimed at relaxing muscles that are tight or myospasmed.At this practice soft tissue techniques may include various forms of massage and more broadly Soft tissue muscle relaxation techniques such as, Myofascial trigger point therapy, Acupressure point work and Positional Release Therapy.

Canine Chiropractor are amongst the world’s most highly trained and experienced soft tissue muscle technique therapists across a range of vertebrate species from humans, horses, dogs, marsupials to reptiles.

What are some of the advantages of Integrating joint & muscle manual & tactile therapies

Dr Watterson routinely integrates of the specialized Canine Chiropractic joint work with soft tissue muscle / massage techniques, this is an approach he has consistently used when treating humans, dogs , horses and marsupials.

It is his experience that a combined complementary approach involving these approaches is one of the best and most potent manual therapies approach.

This combination of therapies may help or assist in:

  • relaxing muscles
  • improve joint movement flexibility
  • improving posture & optimizing overall movement / gait
  • improved well-being, relaxation & disposition and improved strength, coordination and flexibility

Some aims of Canine Chiropractic care:

  • Reduction of joint & muscle pain
  • Improved injury healing, recovery & rehabilitation
  • Injury prevention & minimization
  • Performance enhancement for athletic & show dogs
  • Optimising well-being